Agulhas Lighthouse
The competition brief for the Agulhas Lighthouse called for a gateway to the southernmost point of the African continent and a focal point for Agulhas National Park.
The proposed new building is intended to create a counter-point to the existing lighthouse. It is conceived as a man-made construct and a physical manifestation of co-ordinate lines on the low-lying and previously disturbed area to the east of the lighthouse.
The latitude line of the lighthouse defines the ‘open construct’ of the project: walkways and terraces link the existing lighthouse and its new museum component with the main building as well as Cape Agulhas itself.
The main enclosed building is aligned with a longitude line, with its components located under a gently undulating and planted concrete roof, which reads as a manipulated ground plain.
At the Cape itself, these constructs are repeated to fix the actual southern-most tip of the continent and to suggest directional links with other continents and places.
The loss of ships along this treacherous coastline is represented by a regimented collection of flagpoles at the southern, ocean-facing end of the building.Adidas footwear | Men’s shoes